Cryo Hybrid
Fully electric cryotherapy chamber
Extremely low temperatures up to -110°C
Low energy consumption
up to 100+ sessions per day

Prefreezing up to 60min
Best effects after 10 sessions

Improved mental health
Regular cryotherapy treatments are completely painless, additionally increase the level of dopamine, endorphins and serotonin, which translates into improved well-being and significantly affects mental health, reducing depression, anxiety and stress. Each of us knows how well systematic cold showers or ice baths have a pro-health effects on our body and immune system. Unfortunately, those solutions are time consuming take a lot effort and are very uncomfortable. Cryotherapy is an ideal alternative that saves time and is pleasant for patients.

Improves the quality of sleep
Hardening our body with extremely low temperatures thanks to cryotherapy treatments has many advantages, including helping with the problem of insomnia or interrupted sleep. Thanks to cold therapy, our body can easily enter and maintain the deep REM sleep phase, which is essential to cognitive functions like memory, learning, and creativity. REM sleep is known for the most vivid dreams, which is explained by the significant uptick in brain activity.
Benefits of cryotherapy

Application of cryotherapy in medicine
The use of extremely low temperatures supports the treatment of many different ailments. Experts unanimously say that applying cold air to the body greatly relieves inflammation and pain due to the body's physiological response to a dramatic drop temperature. Through the systematic use of cold therapy, we strengthen the cardiovascular system and the immune system. More and more doctors and therapists in the field of orthopedics, physiotherapy consists of treatments in Vacu Activ cryochambers.

Application of cryotherapy in sports
In amateur and professional sports, regeneration is a key factor in achieving training goals and increasing the body's efficiency. The use of cryotherapy by athletes or people actively engaged in physical activity significantly accelerates the recovery of strength after training, competition or injury. Systematic use of cold also has a protective effect on muscles and joints, making them more resistant to various types of injuries, contusions and increasing their efficiency. Athletes use it to reduce pain in muscles and joints while simultaneously relaxing, and also to regenerate specific areas.

Application of cryotherapy in wellness
Cryotherapy is used in various health areas, also in beauty or improving mental health. Cooling your whole body with cold drastically reduces the production of cortisol, the stress hormone, allowing your muscles to relax and speed up your metabolism. The body reacts to the low temperature in the Cryo Hybrid cabin, produces more collagen, which improves the condition of the skin and improves oxygenation, giving it elasticity. In addition to its many regenerative benefits, Cryo Hybrid will also improve the appearance and well-being of your customers.

Quick & convenient drying of the cabin

Double layered glass
Two-way communication system
Excellent audio quality
Huge 21-inch display

Smart voice notification

Interior ambient lighting

Subcooling mode

Spacious cabin
Contact us
- +61(3) 95551736